Thursday, August 8, 2019

Motivational: Endure the pain

In the beginning, everybody is excited. In the beginning, everybody is going to conquer the world.

But after a few weeks, a few months, maybe even a few years, they start to get tired and frustrated.

They start to ask, why is this so hard? They start to ask, why is this so hard for me? And they think it's just them, and that's when people quit.

We all feel that way. Everyone has moments of frustration, everyone has moments of anger, everyone has times of "Why me?"

When you start feeling that massive frustration, that massive anger, that massive stress, you are about to have a breakthrough.

You are about to move through an area that most people can't make it through.

And you have to keep moving.

You need to have grit. You need to have the stick-to-itiveness to persevere past the point that your competition will.

It's the ones who understand that things are going to improve and keep focused on the end result that makes it through it.

We are talking about being able to put up with more pain than the next gut. We are talking about being able to more patient than the next person. We are talking about being able to learn more skills, and take more pride in your job on a daily basis than the next person.

We are talking about people who will not quit.
We should keep in mind why you started, when you keep in mind what it is you are trying to accomplish, and you think about them, and focus on them on a day in and day out basis, your chances of making it through these frustration curves increase tremendously.

You have the choice to be whatever you want to be. You could choose to preserve. You could choose to take the initiative and do what needs to be done.

You could choose to accept responsibility for yourself, your situation, and every situation around you.
You can choose to execute day in and day out.
You can choose to not cut corners.
You could choose to do the work. And you could choose success.
Your actions make the choice for you every single day.


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