Thursday, August 8, 2019

Motivational: You will definitely win

You will definitely win

One of the most powerful things you can ever do in life is TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for it.

Take responsibility for exactly where you are right now. To acknowledge it's me that must be better. To say I'm sorry to others or to yourself, to say I CAN DO BETTER, to say I WILL DO BETTER because when you accept full responsibility for your life, you take CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE.

That means accepting full responsibility for the quality of your relationships, taking full responsibility for your results, taking full responsibility for EVERYTHING because when you take responsibility, you take CONTROL.

When you blame others, you have no control over your life. If your quality of life, in your mind, is determined by the actions of others or the result of your past, you are a prisoner to that past and at the mercy of other people and their actions.

When you are constantly blaming other people and circumstances for where you are in life, there's nothing you can do to fix it.

Instead, ask what could I do better? How can I see things differently? How can I GROW so no event and no person can change how I feel.

Nothing can change my direction and purpose in life. Maybe it means removing yourself from certain situations, environments or toxic people.

It's YOU that has to accept that YOU are the only person that can make those changes and therefore make your life better.

It's full ownership. Full ownership of your state of mind, your mindset, not the circumstances, others behaviour or wrongdoing of others but how you respond to it all.

There's nothing more powerful you could do for yourself then develop a mindset that can handle any situation with CLARITY.
If you can handle any person or any situation in complete peace, nothing will ever get to you, nothing will stop you from moving toward and living your purpose.

Full ownership, full responsibility. It's letting go of the story, the story of why you can't, the story of "why always me", the story of the victim, the story of your  LIMITS. It's letting it all go.

Releasing that heavyweight from your back, that weighted burden you have been dragging around for years that does NOTHING to strengthen you. It's only been draining the life from you. It's time to let that go, stand tall and be free of it.

Experience the freedom that comes when you declare that you are in charge of your feelings and emotions. NO ONE ELSE. No one can invade your peace without your permission.

The problem is when you tell people they need to take responsibility for their lives, they look around and say "I don't want to take responsibility for this, I didn't create this mess.

No, you didn't create it consciously but that's just the thing.

95% of our beliefs, thoughts and past actions come from subconscious programming and the only way to transform our lives and completely flip the script is to form new habits.

You are the greatest power. You have always known it at some level. Now you take ownership of it.

You can only win by moving on, you can only win by taking full responsibility for where you are, for where you want to go. You can only win by TAKING CONTROL RIGHT NOW and moving forward with your life. Will you take that step?

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