Thursday, August 8, 2019

Motivational: Endure the pain

In the beginning, everybody is excited. In the beginning, everybody is going to conquer the world.

But after a few weeks, a few months, maybe even a few years, they start to get tired and frustrated.

They start to ask, why is this so hard? They start to ask, why is this so hard for me? And they think it's just them, and that's when people quit.

We all feel that way. Everyone has moments of frustration, everyone has moments of anger, everyone has times of "Why me?"

When you start feeling that massive frustration, that massive anger, that massive stress, you are about to have a breakthrough.

You are about to move through an area that most people can't make it through.

And you have to keep moving.

You need to have grit. You need to have the stick-to-itiveness to persevere past the point that your competition will.

It's the ones who understand that things are going to improve and keep focused on the end result that makes it through it.

We are talking about being able to put up with more pain than the next gut. We are talking about being able to more patient than the next person. We are talking about being able to learn more skills, and take more pride in your job on a daily basis than the next person.

We are talking about people who will not quit.
We should keep in mind why you started, when you keep in mind what it is you are trying to accomplish, and you think about them, and focus on them on a day in and day out basis, your chances of making it through these frustration curves increase tremendously.

You have the choice to be whatever you want to be. You could choose to preserve. You could choose to take the initiative and do what needs to be done.

You could choose to accept responsibility for yourself, your situation, and every situation around you.
You can choose to execute day in and day out.
You can choose to not cut corners.
You could choose to do the work. And you could choose success.
Your actions make the choice for you every single day.

Motivational: Stop making excuses

Stop making excuses
What’s stopping you? Are you too tired? Didn’t get enough sleep? Don’t have enough time? Is that what’s stopping you right now?
Don’t have enough money? Is that the thing? Or is the thing that stopping you is YOU?
Excuses sound best to the person who’s making them up.
Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop telling everybody you are sad and sob stories, trying to get people to show up to your pity parties and your pity parades.
If you ever see me in a Rolls Royce a 6 or 7-star hotel living my life to the fullest, don’t get jealous of me. Because I worked hard to get it. Nobody handed me nothing.
It’s game on, it goes season. It’s time for you to take advantage of the access and the resources that you have in your country and community.
Did you get a problem with your life? Did you get a problem with your environment? Do something about it. If you want it, go get it. Recognize that the excuses are not valid. They are conjured up, they are fabricated, they are lies.
And how do you stop the lies? You stop the lies with the truth. And the truth is you have time, you have the skill, you have the knowledge and the support and the willpower and the discipline to get it done.
The fruit of everything good in life begins with a challenge.
Everything is uphill that’s worthwhile. And it’s not going to come to you and it’s not going to fall in your lap and it’s not going to be something that. It just was so simple it’s always going to be difficult.
If you want it, you got to go get it. This is your chance. This is your shot. This is your moment. This is your time. This is your place. This is your opportunity.
This is my time. This is my moment. Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow. There is no such thing as tomorrow, we only got today.
It’s your dream if you are going to have it, make it happen.
If you are going to have it, rise and grind.
You still got work to do, stay on that basketball court, stay on that football field.

Motivational: No one can stop you

No one can knock you off your path, no one can off your centre. No one can stop you from believing in the GOOD of this world. No one can stop you from knowing your power, your purpose here in life.

NO ONE AND NO CIRCUMSTANCE can stop you from working towards your purpose.

No one can, because YOU take full responsibility for everything you own up to your actions, your mistakes, your failures, your wins, your losses, your setbacks and your GROWTH.
It's all on you, and that's where your greatest power is. 

The problem is, when you tell people they need to take responsibility for their lives, they look around and say... "I don't want to take responsibility for this, I didn't create this mess.

No, you didn't create it consciously but that's just the thing.

95% of our beliefs, thoughts and past actions come from subconscious programming and the only way to transform our lives and completely flip the script is to form new habits.

We form new habits by first deciding we must CHANGE and then by taking clear, decisive and conscious repetitive actions, repetition.

Create new powerful habits in their place with consistent repetition EVERY SINGLE DAY.

DECIDE that your future happiness is worth far more than holding on to your past problems.

UNDERSTAND that you will never win by holding on. You will NEVER live your greatest life and you will never be happy holding on to grudges or blaming other people or circumstances for where you are in life.

Pause for a moment and hear that again. Really take it in because it is so true and so important.

You will never live your greatest life, you will never be TRULY HAPPY by holding on to past problems, by holding on to grudges or blaming circumstances and other people for where you are in life emotionally, financially, wherever you are.

You can only win by moving on, you can only win by taking full responsibility for where you are, for where you want to go. You can only win by TAKING CONTROL RIGHT NOW and moving forward with your life. Will you take that step?

The truth- the language of those who are truly alive saw no wings of faith they gracefully fly radiating a power that they found down inside wrapped in fire, watch the chosen climb, something in them refuses to be denied seize in the the moment they know the time has arrived, refusing the doubt or believe any of his lies - we call these people overcomers because they know how to climb.

Everywhere that you look around you, you can sense that people don't want to see you succeed but I'm going to plant this in your spirit.

The fire and truth on the inside of you will make room for you. Whether the haters like you or not, DOUBT is the best salesman that has ever been he gets up every day and knocks on your door trying to sell you on the lie that you aren't good enough.

But those who can sit in silence and still BELIEVE, shall one day hear the music of that which they believe for each time you face something you fear
in truth, you go to a deeper level of growth, awareness and personal power.

See the fire grows inside of you when you own and accept everything about you. It's time to stop running and CLIMB.

There are three types of people in this world.

Those in the game, those on the sidelines and those in the stand watching the time has come for you to make a decision right now.

Which one of those three do you want to be?

Climb... now you could tell when somebody is about to go next level in life because you could see it in their eyes. When the world turns their back on you, CLIMB.

When the whole world calls you crazy because your dream is so big, climb and when you feel like you are the end of yourself and that you can't take another step, STILL, CLIMB.

The most difficult and pivotal times in your life, you will have to travel alone but those who can sit in silence and still believe shall one day hear the music that they believe for CLIMB, WARRIORS AND OVERCOMERS. They know how to climb.

God has given you an inheritance beyond your own capability, the only way you will be able to come in possession of this inheritance is by faith. The real revolution is self - awareness. It's when you awaken to the truth that you yourself determine your own peace, success and outcomes in life. Real success, real transformation, real emancipation starts when you finally awaken to your own individual power and the god who gave it to you then you boldly wrap yourself in faith and unleash yourself upon the world. Climb champion, warriors, overcomers, soldiers.

Motivational: You will definitely win

You will definitely win

One of the most powerful things you can ever do in life is TAKING RESPONSIBILITY for it.

Take responsibility for exactly where you are right now. To acknowledge it's me that must be better. To say I'm sorry to others or to yourself, to say I CAN DO BETTER, to say I WILL DO BETTER because when you accept full responsibility for your life, you take CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE.

That means accepting full responsibility for the quality of your relationships, taking full responsibility for your results, taking full responsibility for EVERYTHING because when you take responsibility, you take CONTROL.

When you blame others, you have no control over your life. If your quality of life, in your mind, is determined by the actions of others or the result of your past, you are a prisoner to that past and at the mercy of other people and their actions.

When you are constantly blaming other people and circumstances for where you are in life, there's nothing you can do to fix it.

Instead, ask what could I do better? How can I see things differently? How can I GROW so no event and no person can change how I feel.

Nothing can change my direction and purpose in life. Maybe it means removing yourself from certain situations, environments or toxic people.

It's YOU that has to accept that YOU are the only person that can make those changes and therefore make your life better.

It's full ownership. Full ownership of your state of mind, your mindset, not the circumstances, others behaviour or wrongdoing of others but how you respond to it all.

There's nothing more powerful you could do for yourself then develop a mindset that can handle any situation with CLARITY.
If you can handle any person or any situation in complete peace, nothing will ever get to you, nothing will stop you from moving toward and living your purpose.

Full ownership, full responsibility. It's letting go of the story, the story of why you can't, the story of "why always me", the story of the victim, the story of your  LIMITS. It's letting it all go.

Releasing that heavyweight from your back, that weighted burden you have been dragging around for years that does NOTHING to strengthen you. It's only been draining the life from you. It's time to let that go, stand tall and be free of it.

Experience the freedom that comes when you declare that you are in charge of your feelings and emotions. NO ONE ELSE. No one can invade your peace without your permission.

The problem is when you tell people they need to take responsibility for their lives, they look around and say "I don't want to take responsibility for this, I didn't create this mess.

No, you didn't create it consciously but that's just the thing.

95% of our beliefs, thoughts and past actions come from subconscious programming and the only way to transform our lives and completely flip the script is to form new habits.

You are the greatest power. You have always known it at some level. Now you take ownership of it.

You can only win by moving on, you can only win by taking full responsibility for where you are, for where you want to go. You can only win by TAKING CONTROL RIGHT NOW and moving forward with your life. Will you take that step?

Motivational: Find ways to get back on track whenever you have lost your way

    Find ways to get back on track whenever you have lost your way

Eckhart Toller said: The the primary cause of happiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it, whether you stay lost or find that path is a choice, if you beat yourself down or lift yourself up it is a choice and that choice starts in your own mind. 

Your reality is not what has happened but how you frame what has happened. 
Change your thoughts and you will change your life.

Here are three ways to get back on track whenever you have lost your way.

1. Write down your reason why.
When you know your reason why you need no external motivators. 
Why must you do what you do? 
Why must you succeed?
Why must you get healthy?
Develop yourself, set a positive example why must you earn money.
Change your attitude, strengthen your relationships.
Who are you doing for? Why must you keep fighting?

There is a reason and when you find that reason, it will light a fire under everything you do. It will get you up early and keep you up late. It will inspire you to push HARDER to fight longer, to try a different way, to find a way, to never ever give up. 

You still have low moments but you will never stay there, find that reason.

2. Know that life is short.
Understanding at a deep level that life is short and you only get one shot at this human experience can be one of the most powerful ways to get you back on track. It's not a recipe for recklessness or craziness, it's a knowing that life is short and everything you are stressing about will likely matter in the end. It takes the heaviness off almost every problem.  Let it go and focus on doing the things you love.

3. Set goals
You must know where you want to go and set your goals. Who set specific and clearly defined goals are much more likely to live successfully and fulfilled lives than those who don’t.
Your goal must be specific. If it’s money, don’t just write down I want more money, write exactly how much money.
If it’s a fitness goal, don’t just write I want a better body, write the exact weight or body fat measurement you must reach.
By getting clear about what you must have and defining how you will get it, you will now have a clear purpose to work toward. The chances of you getting off track, when you have something important to work towards is very slim. The key is to make it meaningful to you.

Motivational: No one can stop you

No one can stop you

No one can knock you off your path, no one can off your centre. No one can stop you from believing in the GOOD of this world. No one can stop you from knowing your power, your purpose here in life.

NO ONE AND NO CIRCUMSTANCE can stop you from working towards your purpose.

No one can, because YOU take full responsibility for everything you own up to your actions, your mistakes, your failures, your wins, your losses, your setbacks and your GROWTH.
It's all on you, and that's where your greatest power is. 

We form new habits by first deciding we must CHANGE and then by taking clear, decisive and conscious repetitive actions, repetition.

Create new powerful habits in their place with consistent repetition EVERY SINGLE DAY.

DECIDE that your future happiness is worth far more than holding on to your past problems.

UNDERSTAND that you will never win by holding on. You will NEVER live your greatest life and you will never be happy holding on to grudges or blaming other people or circumstances for where you are in life.

Pause for a moment and hear that again. Really take it in because it is so true and so important.

You will never live your greatest life, you will never be TRULY HAPPY by holding on to past problems, by holding on to grudges or blaming circumstances and other people for where you are in life emotionally, financially, wherever you are.

The truth- the language of those who are truly alive, saw no wings of faith they gracefully fly radiating a power that they found down inside wrapped in fire, watch the chosen climb, something in them refuses to be denied seize in the moment they know the time has arrived, refusing the doubt or believe any of his lies - we call these people overcomers because they know how to climb.

Everywhere that you look around you, you can sense that people don't want to see you succeed but I'm going to plant this in your spirit.

The fire and truth on the inside of you will make room for you. Whether the haters like you or not, DOUBT is the best salesman that has ever been he gets up every day and knocks on your door trying to sell you on the lie that you aren't good enough.

But those who can sit in silence and still BELIEVE, shall one day hear the music of that which they believe for each time you face something you fear
in truth, you go to a deeper level of growth, awareness and personal power.

See the fire grows inside of you when you own and accept everything about you. It's time to stop running and CLIMB.

There are three types of people in this world.

Those in the game, those on the sidelines and those in the stand watching the time has come for you to make a decision right now.

Which one of those three do you want to be?

Climb... now you could tell when somebody is about to go next level in life because you could see it in their eyes. When the world turns their back on you, CLIMB.

When the whole world calls you crazy because your dream is so big, climb and when you feel like you are the end of yourself and that you can't take another step, STILL, CLIMB.

The most difficult and pivotal times in your life, you will have to travel alone but those who can sit in silence and still believe shall one day hear the music that they believe for CLIMB, WARRIORS AND OVERCOMERS. They know how to climb.

God has given you an inheritance beyond your own capability, the only way you will be able to come in possession of this inheritance is by faith. The real revolution is self - awareness. It's when you awaken to the truth that you yourself determine your own peace, success and outcomes in life. Real success, real transformation, real emancipation starts when you finally awaken to your own individual power and the god who gave it to you then you boldly wrap yourself in faith and unleash yourself upon the world. Climb champion, warriors, overcomers, soldiers.

Motivational: Remove the fear of the unknown

Remove the fear of the unknown
There are too many people who accept failure even before trying to achieve their goals in life.

They could be successful in their lives but there is something stopping them?

 And this something is fear.
These people are most fearful of the unknown.

Success comes to those who are success conscious. One of the common causes of failure is the habit of quitting because of fear.
"Many times, the thought of fear itself is greater than what it is we fear”.

If you struggle with the fear of the unknown, you can't beat yourself.
Whatever condition you're in, when you're concerned about the unknown, ask yourself this question:
What good things could this scenario make possible?
Why are we afraid of the unknown?

You fear the unknown because of what it could take from you when you should focus your attention more on the good that could come out of it if you work at it patiently.

Don’t let the fear of the unknown prevent you from experiencing a life greater than you have ever lived.

“To overcome fear, here’s all you have to do: realize the fear is there, and do the action you fear anyway.”

Take action, the action is what will change your life, and most importantly it will transform your mind and you will start to become aware of who you truly can become.
Let not your life be one of conformity, strive to be the best that you can be and unleash your greatness upon the world.

Listening to your fear of the unknown will only result in such a life where you live in discomfort and dissatisfaction with life. You have to be fearless and willing to step into the unknown to live your dreams and embrace life. There's no other way to live your life to its fullest potential.

Living your life to your fullest potential can only be gained when you have come face to face with your fear of the unknown.

In order to conquer your fear of the unknown, you must be committed to making the changes within yourself.
“Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death.”          

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